Concello de Sanxenxo - O.A. Terra de Sanxenxo
T: 986 72 00 75 - F: 986 72 10 22  | 
Concello de Sanxenxo


TERRA de Sanxenxo is an autonomic organism of Council of Sanxenxo and its goals are:

  • Tourist promotion of Sanxenxo.
  • Development of educational, cultural, festive and sports activities.
  • Management of cultural, educational and sports facilities, such as the music school, sports school and municipal nurseries.
  • Care and protection of the environment. y deportivas, como la escuela de música, las escuelas deportivas y las guarderías municipales.


Terra de Sanxenxo is located in Pazo Emilia Pardo Bazán.

O.A. Terra de Sanxenxo