Personal character data treatment realized through this website will beliable as established in the organic Law 15/1999 about personal character data protection, and the remain application regulation.
Users or their representatives may exercise their rights of access,rectification, erasure or objection, in a written request to Sanxenxo Town Hall through e-mail a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with identity card or other evidence of valid rights.
Sanxenxo Town Hall will cancel, delete or bar all the data which prove to be incorrect, incomplete or to have ceased to be necessary or relevant for the development of its purposes, in conformity with the provisions of the current Data Protection legislation.
The use of certain services or requests to Sanxenxos Town Hall are binding to the previous agreement to the corresponding registration request.
All the information made available by the users via the forms of the portal to previous effects or any others has to be true.
By these effects, the user guarantees the authenticity of all those data send and to maintain all information supplied to the Town Hall updated being responsable for false or inexact statements and for the damage caused to Sanxenxo Town Hall.
The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory, so if the user did not provide details, Sanxenxo Town Hall may deny the corresponding service.
Minors have not use the avaliable services through the website without the parenal authorisation, legal custodians or legal representatives, who will be the only responsibles of all the acts performed through the website by the children in their care including the filling in on a form with children personal data and the selected, if its necessary, fill the cells that accompany them.
In this regard, inasmuch as Sanxenxo City Council does not have the capacity to control whether users are minors or not, advise parents or custodians to habilitate mechanisms which enable to avoid the minors to the access the website or facilitate personal data without their supervision. Sanxenxo Town Hall excludes all liability related to that subject.
It is posible that Privacity Policy will have to be updated; for that reason is necessary you will review periodically that policy and if it is posible every time you acces to website with the objective to being properly informed about the type of information collected and its treatment.