Area: 8,7 km²
Inhabitants number: 2.556
San Esteban de Noalla borders with Adina and Villalonga parishes, O Grove council and the Ría de Pontevedra.
In the past, Noalla stood out for the salt industry, which converts it in an important commerce area. Nowadays Noalla parish is sustained through tourism and agriculture.
In Noalla, stands out interdial complex A Lanzada – O Bao, which take part of Natura 2000 network and its protected by Ramsar Agreement. Is a unique area crowded of lots of bird species.
The beauty of its coast is spectacular, standing out beaches as A Lanzada and Major. From Major beach is attracted attention the Isla de Ons that in clear days seems it can be touch with hands.
The urban areas are:
Aios, Bascuas, Besadoiros, Bruñeira, Casal, Caseiros, Codesal, Cova de Pazos, Fonte Ons, Fontela, Freixo, A Iglesia, A Lanzada, Lagarei, Mato, Montalvo, Mourelos, Major, Piñeiros, O Pombal, Pontes, Quintáns, Revolta, Salgueiro do Mato, Soutullo, Telleiro, Tombelo, Tramalleiro.