A) Previous announcements (article 125)
B) Call for bids (Article 126)
- Open procedures:
- Restricted procedures:
- Negotiated procedures:
C) Definitive awards
- Open procedures.
♦ Management of the service of the Municipal Children's Schools of "O Tombo" and "O Revel" through concession.
+ Advertisement Galician (17/11/2016).
+ Spanish announcement (17/11/2016).
+ Management project (17/11/2016).
+ Request of private administrative clauses (17/11/2016).
+ Resolution approval of the file (17/11/2016).
+ Open envelope B (13/12/2016).
+ Open envelope C (20/12/2016).
+ Award resolution (10/01/2017).
+ Award announcement (13/01/2017).
♦ Insurance policies in different branches for the City Council and the O.A. EARTH.
+ Galician advertisement (18/10/2016).
+ Spanish advertisement (18/10/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of technical prescriptions (18/10/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of private administrative clauses (18/10/2016).
+ Resolution approval of the file (18/10/2016).
+ Open envelope C (09/12/2016).
+ Adjudication resolution (02/01/2017).
♦ Insurance policies in different branches for Town and O.A. TERRA..
+ Galician advertisement (18/10/2016).
+ Spanish advertisement (18/10/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of technical prescriptions (18/10/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of private administrative clauses (18/10/2016).
+ Resolution approval of the file (18/10/2016).
+ Open envelope B (01/12/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication (28/12/2016).
+ Advertisement adjudicación (10/02/2017).
♦ Legal defense of the City Council and its autonomous body, TERRA de Sanxenxo, in all types of jurisdictions.
+ Resolution of the approval of the file (08/03/2016).
+ Open envelope B (07/04/2016).
+ Open envelope C (14/06/2016).
+ Rectificación erro (21/06/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication (28/12/2016).
+ Advertisement adjudicación (04/01/2017).
♦ Exploitation of the municipal kiosk in the infanile public park of O Espiñeiro and the attached terrace.
+Specific administrative clauses de cláusulas administrativas particulares (05/05/2016).
+Specific administrative clauses técnico (05/05/2016).
+ Open envelope C (28/06/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication (05/08/2016).
+ Resolution annulment adjudication (11/08/2016).
+ Resolution declaration desert (10/02/2017).
♦ Exploitation of the seasonal services at the Canelas Beach.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (23/05/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of técnico (23/05/2016).
+ Constitution Contracting Board (23/05/2016).
+ Modification Contracting Board (10/06/2016).
+ Open envelope C (01/07/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication (01/08/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016).
♦ Exploitation of seasonal services on the beaches of Silgar, Baltar and Canelas.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (23/05/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of técnico (23/05/2016).
+ Constitution Contracting Board (23/05/2016).
+ Modification Contracting Board (10/06/2016).
+ Open envelope C (01/07/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication Silgar deserto Baltar (14/07/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016).
♦ Rent of two buildings to the warehouse for the different services of the City Council of Sanxenxo.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (05/05/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of técnico (05/05/2016).
+ Open envelope C (28/06/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication lote A (14/07/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication lote B (14/07/2016).
♦ Bay of Sanxenxo Township.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (21/04/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of técnico (21/04/2016).
+ Resolución aprobación do expediente (13/05/2016).
+ Award of adjudication (07/06/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication (23/06/2016).
♦ Lease of two buildings to the warehouse for the different services of the City Council of Sanxenxo.
+ Resolution of the approval of the file (02/02/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (02/02/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de prescripciones técnicas (02/02/2016).
+ Open envelope C (08/03/2016).
+ Desert procedure. Batch A (05/04/2016).
+ Desert procedure. Batch B (05/04/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016)
♦ Supply of electrical energy to the buildings and public facilities of the City Council and of TERRA of Sanxenxo.
+ Spanish advertisement (13/11/2015).
+ Spanish advertisement (13/11/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (13/11/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de prescripciones técnicas (13/11/2015).
+ ANNEX 1 Specific administrative clauses of técnico. (23/11/2015).
+ Desert procedure (23/12/2015).
♦ Supply of fuel, service station, mobile park and municipal machinery.
+ Spanish advertisement (23/03/2015).
+ Spanish advertisement (23/03/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (23/03/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas técnicas (23/03/2015).
+ Mayor's resolution (08/04/2015).
+ Open envelope C (07/05/2015).
+ Announcement adjudication (21/07/2015).
♦ Supply of electrical equipment for public lighting.
+ Spanish advertisement (16/03/2015).
+ Spanish advertisement (16/03/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (16/03/2015).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de prescripciones técnicas (16/03/2015).
+ Resolution of the Mayor's Office (16/03/2015).
Restricted procedures
- Negotiated procedure
♦ Paving of roads in various places of the municipal boundary - Line 1.
+ Modify documentation about A (24/02/2017).
+ Resolution adjudication (20/03/2017).
♦ Extension of the House of Culture of the Adina - Line 1.
+ Resolution adjudication (20/03/2017).
♦ Ampliación do Casa de Cultura da Adina - Liña 1.
+ Resolution adjudication (03/03/2017).
♦ Desratización y desinsectación en edificios públicos y instalaciones municipales de la Municipalidad de Sanxenxo.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas (17/08/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de prescripciones técnicas (17/08/2016).
+ Resolution adjudication (04/10/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016).
♦ Management of the Municipal Day Center of Sanxenxo.
+ Resolution adjudication (03/10/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016).
♦ Improvement of municipal roads - Marco Plan.
+ Resolution adjudication (28/09/2016).
♦ "Prolongation of the water supply network in several places of the municipal term - Line 1.
+ Resolution adjudication (26/09/2016).
♦ "Computer technical assistance", and the provision of "all kinds of computer hardware materials".
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (22/04/2016).
+ Specific administrative clauses of de prescripciones técnicas (22/04/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication (20/05/2016).
+ Announcement adjudication and contract formalization (20/10/2016).
♦ Rehabilitation of the Casa del Priorato for Training Center for traditional crafts.
+ Announcement adjudication (04/02/2016).
♦ Repair of Vilalonga Pavilion.
+ Announcement adjudication (04/02/2016).
♦ Maintenance, maintenance and repair of elevators of the Sanxenxo City Council.
+ Announcement adjudication (02/02/2016).
♦ Supply of construction materials.
+ Announcement adjudication (02/02/2016).
♦ Replenishment of pavement in various municipal roads.
♦ Crane vehicle rental for the collection and removal of vehicles.
+ Announcement adjudication (02/02/2016).
+ Award of adjudication (31/03/2017).
- Competitive dialogue procedure
D) Modifications / Resolutions of Contracts
♦ Exploitation of seasonal services on Baltar and Canelas beaches.
+ Government Board Agreement (18/12/2015).
♦ Replacement of 11 medium voltage transformer centers at the Nantes Business Park.
+ Specific administrative clauses of de cláusulas administrativas particulares (11/03/2014).
+ Specific administrative clauses of Técnico (11/03/2014).
+ Constitution Contracting Board (19/03/2014).
+ Suspensión tramitación (27/03/2014).
E) Extensions
♦ Crane vehicle rental for the collection and removal of vehicles.
F) Dynamic contracting systems
G) Contracting Center
H) Minor contracts
♦ Conditioning of the municipal equipment of public equipment (PEI-3) - Line 1.
♦ Improvement of public lighting in the place of Arnosa - Vilalonga - Line 1.
♦ Repair of the installation of the public lighting on the street Progreso and in the place of Forxan - Line 1.
♦ Conditioning of the beaches of T.M. from Sanxenxo for the summer season 2016.
♦ Conditioning car park area Areas Beach.
+ Resolution adjudication (13/10/2016).
♦ Demolition of a set of isolated and unfinished houses in place of La Torre - Dorrón.
♦ Computer Technical Assistance..
♦ Improvement of the quality and image of the Municipal Market of Sanxenxo.
♦ Painted Sanxenxo CEIP Pavilion.
♦ Road paving in Montalvo (Adina).
♦ Paving of the parking area of the House of Culture of Dorrón.
♦ Repair of the coverage of the Day Center.
♦ Adaptation and rehabilitation of the public park of O Espiñeiro.
♦ Conditioning of beaches of the Sanxenxo City Hall in the summer season 2015.
♦ Crane vehicle lighters for the collection and removal of vehicles during Easter 2015.
♦ Paving and waterproofing of the Plaza de A Panadeira.