Sanxenxo Council library is parto of the “Rede de Bibliotecas Públicas de Galicia” and from 2016 began to work the new single membership card, accepted in all the public libraries in Galicia.
The membership card also allows to acces the fix multimedia equipment (printers, scanner and computers with an internet connection).
To be membership card holder is necessary to provide identity card and a ID sized photography.
The services are free (except copies which are subject to municipal taxes).
For all the people who want to join new technologies, can be consulted the unique catalogue of “Rede de Bibliotecas Públicas de Galicia” by internet, in the following direction:
With the new membership card can acces to your personal área, see your loans, renew a loan and reserve.
For all that things, approach the library and ask for your access key.
However, if you have any doubt or you want to contact with us to some question or share some suggestion, you also do it by the following e-mail:
bibliotecas@sanxenxo .es o This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can follow us through Facebook in:

It is has been providing services to users for 30 years. It started in 1987 in a ground floor in Madrid Street. Nowadays is situated in manor house Emilia Pardo Bazan, has two floors and has more than 21.000 volumes.
First floor has a general section, classified for subject (biographies, history, maths, law, novel, poesy…), a juvenile section and comic, periodical publications, newspapers, audiovisual (more than 1300 cinema titles and documentaries) and local fund. Have 56 reading points and 6 computers with printer for the users.
In second floor there is a Reading childrens’ room and small room called “pequeteca” with special equipment designed to children enjoy and approach to books world. That room has 30 reading points.
- Among the previous mentioned services, the Central Library has:
- Local Town Hall Documentation Fund. Serials library since 1999.
- From Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m to 1 p.m and from 4 p.m to 7:30 p.m (except tuesdya morning, is reserved for school visits)

Miraflores, 26 A – Sanxenxo
Telephone: 986 727 936
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Started its activity in 1995, in “Usos Múltiples de Portonovo” building. In 2002, changed the location to Independencia Street.
It has more than 14.000 volumes of bibliographic material to consult, fiction pieces, and since 2009 a film collection with 1.100 titles both for children and adult. It provides periodicals, daily press and internet conection. There are 35 reading point.
It also has a children section with specific material for the youngest.
- From Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m to 1 p.m and from 4 p.m to 7:30p.m (except Tuesday morning)

Independencia street, 5, bajo – Portonovo
Telephone: 986 691 149
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It was inaugurated in 2004. It is located in the center of Vilalonga parish.
As with the other libraries, has internet connection, daily press, consult bibliographic material, audiovisuals and loan. It is provided with more than 10.000 volumes.
It has two clearly differentiated spaces: children and Young space with 17 reading points and another general one with 24 reading points.
- From Monday to Friday from 4p.m to 7:30p.m

Adress: Mercado, Plaza Park, bajo nº 3 – Vilalonga
Telephone: 986 744 879
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“Red de Bibliotecas”, in cooperation with socio cultural animation department, carries out during all the year different activities to promote Reading in children which generally develops in the libraries.
During the school term is implemented Animation program which is held all Saturdays and special commemorative dates, as the Book day, The library day, etc.
All these activities, including storytelling, workshops, games, theatres... above all, great fun. It looks for the youngest active involvement and pretend to encourage them the habit of reading. The public acceptance of that sessions is reflected with the large number of children who assist and the enthusiasm they expressed.

Users formation
Is a service which offers activities so that users can use efficiently the public library and informative resources it has available.
Through this type of iniciatives is pretend to user know how to locate a documento or book in the library and also, how to locate information in a document in a way that allow them to develop more initiatives and their capacity of Independence contributing to approach the library to the social área in which is integrated,
Even though the program is being executed in the schools and institutes of the área, “red de bibliotecas” is open to any group of potencial users who want to discover training, informative, or entertaining possiblities that their public library offers them.
These group activities usually develo pon Tuesday mornings where the library is closed to the public, during the winter time.

Guided tours
In order to make known the library facilities and its function, can arrranged visits for groups of any age to know all that library can offer them.
It will be on Tuesday mornings, after consultation with the responsable staff.
Maria Moliner Campaign to encourage reading habits
From 2000 the libraries which are in “la red” participate to the different dynamisation nationally campaigns called by Maria Moliner, Culture ministry campaing, Cocacola fundation and FEMP.
Is plased to mention that in all the years of participation, “Red de bibliotecas” has been honoured with a set of books in recognition to its work. Apart from that, in 2005 its work has merited of a special mention, being situated as one of the seven best libraries in Spain.