Concello de Sanxenxo - Buildings
T: 986 72 00 75 - F: 986 72 10 22  | 
Concello de Sanxenxo



Desde hace algunos años la demanda de información catastral ha aumentado considerablemente. Esto se debe sobre todo al apogeo urbanístico nacional, que requiere a su vez por parte de promotores, titulares catastrales, etc. conocimiento, no solo a cerca de los Planes Generales de Ordenación Municipal, sino también de los datos de naturaleza catastral, contenidos en la Base de Datos Nacional del Catastro (BDNC). This database is updated following the work carried out by the Cadastral Managements and Sub Directorates, directly through the Administrations, entities and public corporation

Increasingly people who have the appropriate computer and telematics as it is increasingly the household with an internet connection.

Because of the increasing demand, General Directorate of Cadastre incorporated the Virtual office of Cadastre (VOC) (Resolution in 2003, April 28th) and the registry information point (RIP) (Resolution in 2005, March 29th) as an instruments to spread publicly the data contained in National Cadastre Database. Recently both resolutions are rescinded and the resolution of 24th November in 2008 of Diretorate of Cadastre which approve the operation of Virtual Office of Cadastre and Registry Information Points.


1.Registry information point offers the following service (PIC):

In general, what the Sanxenxo City Council offers, through its Cadastral Information Point, to avoid citizens to go to the dependencies of the Territorial Management of the Cadastre or the General Directorates themselves when requesting information or cadastral character certifications because the telematic registry certificates obtained through the PIC produced the same effects as the certificates issued by the bodies of the General Directorate of the Cadastre.

At the time of requesting these services, the citizen must take into account if the cadastral consultation or certification is about protected cadastral information or non-protected. Cadastral informatio. It is understood as a protected cadastral information which are included in article 51 of the rewritten text of the Real Estate Cadastre Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of March 5th. This is, name, surnames, company name, identification code and address of those who are registered in the Real Estate Registry as owners, the cadastral value and the cadastral values of both the land and the construction of the real estate.

Clarified the previous information, registry information point offers the following services:

  1. Non-protected cadastral information services
  2. Consulting service and electronic certification for the cadastral titleholders related to their immovable property of their ownership.
  3. Negative certification service for immovable property or the circumstance of not being listed as a cadastral holder, relative to the applicant.


2. Who can apply this service:

EConcerning the non protected cadastral information, every citizen can acces to the query.

If the service is for consultation or certification of protected cadastral information, only the cadastral owners or their representatives. Both cases, can access to protected and non-protected in two ways:

  1. Internet: Cadastral virtual office 
  2. Trough Sanxenxo Council PIC or other council: in this case, if it is a query of non-protected cadastral information, the simple request of the interested is sufficient. If, on the other hand, the service is for consultation and electronic certification of the protected cadastral information, the applicant must submit his / her application in the PIC, through the official form which can be obtained in the Cadastral Information Points, on the web page of the General Directorate of the Cadastre or in the website

If the applicant is not the cadastral holder, it must be presented with the application the documentation accrediting the representation or an authorization acted, whose validity and effectiveness will be verified by the service responsable person in the same application.


3. Forms / Documents:

  • Request for consultation and certification of protected data for immovable property of their ownership. - DOWNLOAD REQUEST.
  • If the applicant acts through a representative must be attached the previous request, Authorization model of cadastral titularity, the present document has to be accompanied by copy of the authorized person national identity card and the representative has to accreditate his/her identity. - DOWNLOAD AUTHORIZATION FORM


4. Legislation: 

  • Resolution of 2008 November 24th, of the General Directorate of Cadastre, which approves the operating regime of the Virtual Office of the cadastre and the Cadastral Information Points.
  • Law 58/2003, of December, 17th, General Tax.
  • Consolidated text of the Real Estate Cadastre Law approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of March,5th.


5- Adress and telephone number:

The information cadastral point of Sanxenxo Council is located in Consistorio street number 4 Postal Code: 36960 Sanxenxo (Pontevedra)

Telephone: 986-720075

Fax: 986-721022



6- Opening hours

The Information Cadastral Point of Sanxenxo Council will atend all citizens requests as far as possible from Monday to Fridat from 9a.m to 2p.m.

Servicios Generales